of the


The road less travelled is often the road travelled alone



`Be Still,
My Beating

Sleep is sweet and love complete when we rest under the covers of God's love

and Future

`Tag My

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A part of me has died today.

I haven't shed a tear for my own death.

I haven't had the time to deal with this, but I don't know if I will ever find the time or know how to deal with it.

I have no idea if I should trust my mind or spirit.


A rainbow appeared at8:55 PM


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

We sing the Sunday school song:

God is so good
He is so good
God is so good
He is so good to me!

God is indeed so good to me. Yesterday I had a paper from 5-7pm. By the time I left the exam hall and reached home, it was already about 7.40pm. Had dinner, watched tv for a while to relax and tried to hit the books again because I had a paper today at 9am. No matter how hard I tried, nothing went in because was too tired after the late paper.

I had to sleep but nothing was done. I prayed and ask God to help me study first thing this morning. I woke up this morning at 6 plus to study. However, with only about 1 over hour before having to leave for school, I was desperate. I prayed and told God to help me study only what was absolutely needed. Out of 12 topics, we had 5 choices and had to do 2. I trusted in God with great faith and studied only for 2 topics.

When the invigilator told us to flip over the paper, I saw that 2 questions staring at my face, exactly what I had studied this morning! I started praising God right at that moment.

The math probability of hitting it right simply defied human understanding.

A rainbow appeared at3:40 PM


Monday, April 24, 2006

Right, I am so bored and sick of work, just like everyone else. (But not as bored as Lynn, who can spell BORED in all different colours... Hee...)

Tomorrow's my Geog paper. In the midst of going through my notes, I realised a striking similarity over the course of 12 lectures. Women are always viewed as the 'Other' when compared with men.

One example: "Women is seen as unable to control their bodies and emotions and therefore unable to control their bodies and emotions and therefore unable to participate fully in public sphere. E.g to vote

I am not an extreme feminist (though some part of me still fights for women's independence), but still, so much for "EQUALITY OF SEXES".

A rainbow appeared at10:18 AM


Saturday, April 22, 2006

I desire that taste of You. That taste that reminds me You are who You claim to be - a God of power, righteousness, gentleness, comfort, and most importantly- one who loves me fiercely.

A rainbow appeared at2:56 PM


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A beautiful sight in the midst of darkness

I am blogging right next to my room window in the cool of this night. As I look up into the sky, I see only a single star.

This one star is different from any another stars. It shimmers, sparkles and twinkles - as if trying its best to gain the world's attention. One can virtually see the spectrum of colours appear as it busies itself with its course. It takes the opportunity to shine despite being in solitude.

I found my long forgotten simple pleasures of life. I immerse myself in this rare sight.

A rainbow appeared at11:38 PM


Thursday, April 06, 2006

My gosh, I actually scored 23 out of 30 for my final Science exam. That's so beyond expectation, considering I was in the exam hall for only half the allocated time. I left after I was done with my guessing work.

That has to be God's grace. (Probably shouldn't have S/U it in the first place...)

Then again, Lynnette said if I didn't S/U it, I would have failed -- Murphy's law. Sound's true as well! Anyway, I don't care anymore. That shall be the end of Science for the rest of my life.

A rainbow appeared at4:10 PM


1545 hrs.

I am finally done with my 10 pages essay. Close to 3000 words.

I have been working my guts out at it since Tuesday.

I get to sleep well and breathe well now.

A rainbow appeared at3:47 PM


I now know the root cause behind my fatigue and disappointment from a sister's sharing.

I know that while doing His work is desirable, but along the way, I have forgotten that the battle is not mine, but rather His. I get too caught up with things that I forget to seek Him and His strength. I stopped what I was doing and repented. I asked for His strength to be mine.

He spoke to me and told me to take His yoke, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I know now that nothing is too difficult that He and I cannot handle togther. Many a times I may have subconsciously left God out of the equation. But this sharing has definitely helped me get back on track.

He is faithful.

A rainbow appeared at2:16 PM


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Was at Magic Fundoshi just now.

Brilliant presentation, great use of space. Subtle humour was used with explict sexual allegory at the same time. Thought provoking. Saucy comedy made up of three parables poking fun at human frailties and our fleshly instincts.

Great play.

A rainbow appeared at11:37 PM


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