of the


The road less travelled is often the road travelled alone



`Be Still,
My Beating

Sleep is sweet and love complete when we rest under the covers of God's love

and Future

`Tag My

Monday, February 26, 2007

Teaching Sunday school in church for the past 4 months and observing them week after week, these little ones have certainly taught me life lessons.

I have learnt:
1. to be comfortable being in my own skin without thinking how others will think of me.
2. to acknowledge my feelings and let it out. Laugh it off when I feel like it or cry it out at that very moment and move on.
3. to enjoy today as it is.

Kids do not wait till tomorrow to enjoy. Only adults do.

A rainbow appeared at9:06 PM


Saturday, February 10, 2007

I need to share this joke of how I can 'supposedly' morphosize into different characters just over the span of a few days.

It started when I went for my haircut last Thursday. After my hairstylist was done with what he needed to do, he told his 'shampoo, blow-dry' girl to blow my hair. As she was doing that, she asked if I was 16 years old. I paused for a while before bursting into laughter. That, of course is an extreme case of blur-ness on her part to think that I am 16. After haircut I went to collect some clothes from the tailor. She only recognised me after describing to her what I was supposed to collect. I thought it was weird that she couldn't recognise me because it was my 2nd visit there. When she finally remembered me, she told me she was having trouble recognising me because I looked so different from the other time I was there. She claimed that I looked like a 'xiao mei mei' that day.

Yesterday when I was in a cab, the taxi driver asked me if I was a teacher. When I told him no, he kept insisting he was right and said 'not teacher MEH?' I kept quiet and didn't want to argue with him.

Today when I went down to buy lunch, this guy who was collecting my money (probably in his mid 20s) called me 'xiao mei'. I looked up at him in disbelief. He then asked me if I was at least 18 years old. It was hilarous. I told him I was 21 and he said I don't look my age.

The point is this, I have always been told I looked at least 3-4 years older than my actual age, but over the past few days being called 'xiao mei' feels good!

I choose to believe that it is my Jesus who is renewing my youth day by day! Don't dispute that. =)

A rainbow appeared at5:19 PM


Friday, February 09, 2007

Now, [Rachel] needs to know that confessing God's Word does not move God to do things for [you]. He had already moved when He gave up Jesus to die for us. So when [you] confess His Word, it actually moves [you] from a position of doubt to faith. It moves [your] heart from a position of "Is it true or not?" to "I believe it!" And when that happens, "[you] will make [your] way prosperous, and then [you] will have good success"!

Copyright, NCC

A rainbow appeared at9:58 AM


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Do you feel (at least) a little bothered, even at this age, when your parent/s treat a sibling better than yourself? Do you feel passed over, like a shadow?

I know I do, at least a little. Sometimes.

A rainbow appeared at9:54 PM


Friday, February 02, 2007

A rainbow appeared at4:16 PM


Angry! I cut my nails this morning and shaped them nicely before doing my laundry, thinking that it will be easier to do housework with shorter nails. Who knows, after the laundry, the nail on my thumb broke into half. I stared at it for a while before I could decide how to cut it off. It is now disgustingly short and I hate that raw flesh feeling.

A rainbow appeared at3:36 PM


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