of the


The road less travelled is often the road travelled alone



`Be Still,
My Beating

Sleep is sweet and love complete when we rest under the covers of God's love

and Future

`Tag My

Friday, July 21, 2006

Almost 6pm now. My last day at work. My last blog entry using my office computer. Started great, ended great.

A rainbow appeared at5:55 PM


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yesterday had lunch with my department, instead of just with my big boss. 10 of us were there. We had lunch at Pagi Sore, which is an Indonesian Restaurant. After that was desserts at Chinatown.

Last 2 days of work (countdown..) and I feel I am all switched off already. I somehow floated out of the house and I got to the office! I am trying to complete ALL my work today so that I can be a vase tomorrow, one which will be fit to look at and not fit to use.

I am in my thinking, but trying not to think phase. I am incoherent, fine.

A rainbow appeared at9:25 AM


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Peace. Comforter. Refuge. Strength. Restorer. Joy. Helper. Wisdom. My best friend. My everything. Faithful. Strong. Unchangeable. All I ever need.

He is my Abba, Father.

A rainbow appeared at10:30 AM


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"It is not about you, it is about Me."

A rainbow appeared at5:49 PM


This is my last week at work. I was working hard, really hard for the past 3 weeks revamping the entire staff policy. About 80 pages of policies in all. Test me, I bet no one else can claim to know the policies better than I do. My company's really trying to max me out before I leave.

Was at Copthorne Kings yesterday for another seminar. There were 4 meals for the entire day. Lunch spread at the buffet counter was superb! Since my department was the organiser, we didn't have to sit through it. We spent the entire day chit-chatting outside the seminar room. In short, we ate to our fills then chatted through the day.

In my 10 weeks here, this is my 3rd hotel trip. I also had countless treats from my colleagues. Last Friday was Sushi Tei, tomorrow will be lunch with my big boss. How else can I complain?

Going to Bali in less than a week. Can't wait to be 'cast away', away from all things, to live in a delirious state - even just for 5 days.

A rainbow appeared at5:37 PM


Monday, July 10, 2006

I think I am getting high on sugar now.. I am almost done with my entire packet of skittles sour.

A rainbow appeared at2:49 PM


Lynn is right, I actually didn't realise that 3 months of holidays are coming to an end sooooooooooo soon. Argh! I hate the thought of rushing assignments, preparing for exams, reading coursepacks etc. Hate the bidding system especially!

All I know now is that I am looking forward to my Bali trip from 24-28 July. Anything else is not on my to-do-list (specifically school related events!).

A rainbow appeared at10:40 AM


Thursday, July 06, 2006

All my colleagues (except my boss) are so suprised that I am in the office so early today. My office provides 2 working hours schemes for their employees. Scheme A: 0830-1730. Scheme B: 0900-1800. Needless to say, I am in Scheme C (0910-1800 + long lunches).

However, for this morning (only for today), I asked my boss if I could take up Scheme A because I need to leave early today for tuition.

It is! a struggle to be in office half an hour earlier. But the benefits of it are definitely smoother traffic on the road, empty lifts which will bring me all the way up to the top floor without having any stopovers AND being able to leave early...

My accomplishment: I made it on time today!

A rainbow appeared at8:51 AM


Monday, July 03, 2006

When God shuts the electricity off
By John Fischer

Kay from Tampa Bay wrote me this week with her own power failure story after an earlier devotional about a reader's "brownout" experience. Being in Florida means that power failures can come quite frequently during hurricane season. It was during one of these - when she was complaining to God about having to go once again without power - that she distinctly had the impression of a word back from God: "You're my child, you are never without power - you are only without electricity right now."

It's a great lesson that probably applies to all of us to some degree all the time. It's the same lesson that prompted Paul to write that Christ's power works best in his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). When our natural strength and abilities fail us, that's when we discover God's power was there all along. We are never without power; we are only without electricity.

And as in Paul's case, it may not be a temporary thing. He had asked God to remove the thing that was causing his power failure a bunch of times but God said no, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Or in other words, I could fix you, but then you might think you could make it on your own electricity instead of my power.

Electricity could stand for our own human energy - all the motivation and even adrenaline we can muster. It can also represent all that we can measure and control. Even though most of us know very little about electrical power - we just plug into the wall and expect it to be there - it is a resource we can control. We hook up to it, measure how much of it we use, and pay for it as we use it up. Our weakness and frustration is felt when we can no longer produce it or get it to where we need it. That's an electrical power failure that could easily translate spiritually to a failure of our natural abilities and strengths that force us to hook up to God, whose power never fails.

Are you having a "personal power failure" somewhere in your life today? Sometimes I think God purposely shuts our electricity off - all those natural talents and abilities we get used to expecting when we plug into our normal sources - to force us to discover his power. Of course it would be best if we were running on his power all the time, but that's hard to do sometimes when electricity is so handy.

The point is to remember, whatever happens, we are never without his power.

A rainbow appeared at10:39 AM


Worship does not consist in leaving the world to see God, but in learning to see God at all times in the world.

A rainbow appeared at10:35 AM


For those of us called to serve Him - there may be times of disappointment and frustration, but we must approach His service willingly, and gladly and joyfully - with the idea that we derive joy and pleasure from serving the King.

My voluntary service IS worship. My very life IS worship.

A rainbow appeared at9:40 AM


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